
Stone Pair/Ogham Stone

This two standing stones are a male and female pairing. The north stone, to the right in the top image, is the female. This rectangular block of conglomerate stone, stands 1.15 metres high and bears an ogham inscription on the NW angle. It has been read as: IARNI, a male name. The slightly smaller, southern stone is also a conglomerate with a rounded top and has a quartz vein running through it. The pair are similar to the stones at Boherboy in Dublin. They stand in a private garden, so please ask for permission. The owner, a lovely lady, kindly allowed me take a few photos.

Taken during my latest visit

Situated: From Tagoat travel west on the R736. After 4 kilometres turn left at the crossroads. Then about 1K turn left. after 250 metres turn left again the stones are in the garden of the last house on your right. Please ask.

Discovery Map 77: T 0715 0840. Last visit Aug 2019.

Longitude: 6° 25' 55" W

Latitude: 52° 13' 1" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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